Wednesday, November 12, 2008


*STOMP* wrote:
Hi Stomp,
Parables/Stories are used to convey messages/truths/instructions.
Jesus used it effectively.l guess it was one way to reach out(to the level of consciousness) of the people of his times.
l read your story.l still can't see how you relates it to Jesus' suffering on the cross.
And l can't see what's nice about the story.
Stories are very important tools in conveying principles and certain truths.
l'm not trying to make it complex.l SIMPLY don't get it.
Please try again.l'm slow in getting it.
Try asking your friends too on what they think
you do not need to say so Kwaku.."actions speak louder than words"

I know for a fact that u do not know everything.However my breda u continuously suggest that your way of thinking or should i say views are more superior to my views.There are 3 points to the question u raised earlier.
1.If u think what i am saying is false then you have the right answer.
2.Your disdain for the religion makes u ignore everything it stands for and any meanings it followers may associate with it.You went on to call Jesus the guy in a very disrespectful manner (try and do that to Mohamed in a moslem setting) clearly suggestive of your actual thoughts.
3.Off course i was not there but that by no means does it mean i cannot know what happened there.The Bible tells me everything and i believe it is the message from God.Your views are yours yet u seek to ridicule(my views) the fact that i believe those were Jesus thoughts.
Next time u disagree with what i write about Christ maybe you should take the chill pill and be more respectful to the religion.

I Adult Webcam the first line.Pubic hair paaa and trip to your balls(gayish again )
What i can assure you is that i know what i need to know about the history of it general,African or even in the Ghanaian context and my church.(u assume again that i do not know but only u do )
When i said lecture i was trying to talk about the beliefs and faith we hold dear for which u ridicule and try to tell my personal views on that subject.
Man i may be funny in your eyes but so are u too in my eyes
What action? As for that jealousy question die3, I will leave it. I can't even remember the last time I got jealous over an internet forumer. Oh yes, it was when I stole your cyber girlfrd Adjoa Gyima. I know you will never forgive me.
You see Kofi, here you go again, my views are superior than yours ? Why do you have such twisted thoughts koraa? Enka woben mea, anka m3 paa paa wasum ruff ruff paa ama w3 hu (if I was near you, I will give you sum dirty slaps bi).
Now here is my reply to your 3 points.
1. What I am trying to do is challenge you on what you are saying? I don't Adult Webcam playing those right/wrong games. It serves no higher purpose for me, it only feeds my ego. If you've been following my 'New Earth' thread, the ego needs someone to be wrong. For you to be right, you need someone to be wrong. Do you hate being challenged Stomp? Does it make you uncomfortable? You talk about a person who died 2000 years ago's thoughts, and he never mentioned his thoughts while he was dying and you find it odd when somebody questions where you got that idea from? Nigga we live in a modern world of pure common sense oo, prepare, be ready for attacks and serious questions when you dish out hollow belief systems. Kai!
2. You want to go this road? What Christianity stands for? Are you sure? If Christians live Adult Webcam Christ did, do you think the world would be what it is today? Trust me man, it saddens me because the man's message (Christ) has being turned upside down. Recently I was reading a book called 'The Third Jesus' by Deepak Chopra. Come and see, eh, the book is about taking almost everything Christ said in the four chosen gospels and analyzing every line. When I finished the book I concluded, 'no wonder they killed him, what a radical set of life standards the man wanted people to live.' Today, the majority of the people who call themselves Christians (whatever that means) don't or cannot live Adult Webcam Jesus wanted them to live. And you talk about my dislike of the religion, no! Its my dislike of corruption of a beautiful way of life taught by a very humble and loving being today called Jesus.
True Christainity stands for, love your enemies (when you love your enemies it means your enemy becomes your friend (meaning you have no enemies ); tell me, how many 'Christians' can live Adult Webcam that?
True Christianity stands for, turn the other cheek meaning forgiveness; tell me, how many Church goers live Adult Webcam that?
True Christainity means pray for your enemies; tell me how many Christians pray and mean what they say in prayer?
True Christianity means, treat others as you would Adult Webcam them treat you; tell me, how many bible toting, hymn singing, holy ghost catching, my tie is so long it ends up on my penis Unlce Tom so called Christians can and want to do this?
Its hard, isn't it?
I called him 'the guy' because his name wasn't even 'Jesus' (I told you to know your history homie, kai). Which is more disrespectful, callig him by some name or just referring modern day noun (guy) to a male?
We are not talking Islam here.
3. Im not ridiculing your views but challenging them. Don't be scared Pastor Stomp. The bible is message from God? Who wrote the bible? God ? Who and what is God?
I will be disrespectful to corruption that tries to hide itself in some religion anyday, anyday!
I have to say I'm done having battles with religious fanatics. But when there is consistent open threads about certain things that are conflicting to today's world, I gotta interfere.
People Adult Webcam FrankBoat who seem to be fashion designers for Church women can't live with themselves because they don't Adult Webcam how some women dress in Churches . The world is in shambles, violence, hunger, diseases killing children etc you know the list, and you are angery because some women turned you on with the mini skirts they are wearing? You must be kidding me! '); //--> Q' lypse
Joined: 25 Jul 2005
Posts: 3685
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:01 pm Post subject: *STOMP* wrote:
Ana 3y3 dien? Where happened afterward that? What are you doing about it? He died on the cross for you, so what? Take your head outta the sand '); //--> knyame64
Joined: 30 Oct 2004
Posts: 302
Location: London
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:37 pm Post subject: *STOMP* wrote: [b]

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