Tuesday, November 4, 2008

O rite..

The BN Forums.. I've checked in a few times, but after reformating my comp about two gigs of cookies dissapeared, and I suddenly had to login to post stuff. Needless to say, logging in is a hassle, so.. yeah..
What's up?
Since my last exam in May, I've been busy doing nothing. Except working on my novel that is. It's actually 55k words/200 pages long by now. You know, the one I said would take 3 months to complete, three years ago? Character names include Varudel and Dunkan, both being evil for some utterly arbitrary reason. If someone actually publishes this mess, I'll be geniunly suprised, but it's fun to write anyway..
So.. while I've been busy writing about wizarding worlds floating thirty thousand feet above Nepal, what have you guys been doing? for the most part. "When you Adult Webcam upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all much. Then you're pretty life hosed no matter what you Adult Webcam for. Unless it's death by meteor." Busy not preparing for a year-long study abroad in Japan. I really should though... Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live in eucalyptus trees. Probably.. Japan isn't exactly known for it's forgiving educational standards.. I just started my summer job. I teach astronomy at the summer camp 3 miles down the road from me. It is an amazing job because (a) astronomy is cool (b) I don't have to live at the camp (c) the female counselors are quite hot (d) I have a 2 hour lunch break (e) most of the counselors are not from the US.
Haven't met someone from Norway though... Hail!
I've been spending large portions of my time playing Eve, which seems to be my latest addiction. Other than that, I've mostly been bumming around, working a little bit but not life (I'm actually now searching for a job fairly desperately because of that), hanging out with peoples, oh yea and taking a class.... Wee fun stuff. You should stop failing at much and come to B-Con. "When you Adult Webcam upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all much. Then you're pretty life hosed no matter what you Adult Webcam for. Unless it's death by meteor." Honestly, at the times when I feel like I'm failing at much or someone tells me I'm failing at much, I am either 0% stressed and 0% doing anything useful OR 110% stressed and about 50% doing anything useful.
Sure, just as soon as you drop the $50-$100 in my bank account for gas. Behold the magic of carpooling. Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live in eucalyptus trees. I hear they make these long cars with room for like eighty people now, apparently they are called buses. It's like living in the future..
Also, gas is 14$ per gallon here atm, so I can't say I feel too sorry for you guys. It's hovering at $3.95 right now, which is basically just the gas companies way of saying "In about a month, its going to be $.50 higher, but enjoy it for now, suckers" "When you Adult Webcam upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all much. Then you're pretty life hosed no matter what you Adult Webcam for. Unless it's death by meteor."
That would require someone else to live in Melbourne
And Anders, Florida has the crappiest excuse for a public transportation system, like, ever. We have public transit? "When you Adult Webcam upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all much. Then you're pretty life hosed no matter what you Adult Webcam for. Unless it's death by meteor."

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